What's the Fuss about Water?

The importance of clean water cannot be overemphasized! It is really sad that access to clean and freshwater, sanitation, and hygiene has been and is still a huge challenge in developing nations in particular. In 2010, the United Nations’ General Assembly recognized water and sanitation as human rights. Did You Know That? An individual can go about a month without food, but can only about a week without water. Water is the most common substance found on earth. Water makes up about 66 percent of the human body. According to the United Nations, two-thirds of the world’s population is projected to face water scarcity by 2025. Excessive consumption of water can cause “water intoxication” and lead to fatal cerebral and pulmonary edema. 90% of freshwater is frozen and located in Antarctica so we only use 10% of our freshwater sources Contaminants from human waste are the most common contaminant in water and 11% of the world’s population do not have acc...